Ingrid von Wantoch Rekowski

  • Assistante director

A polyphonic, playful, and poetic theatre: Ingrid von Wantoch Rekowski's art is an "art of the interstitial, of the tangent, of the offbeat, at once immaterial, like the music from which it always stems, and entirely rooted in the body" (Martine Dumont-Mergeay).

Much more than simple musical theatre, it is an art of transgression, hybrid, and poetic. It is a theatrical art that derogates from the text and a musical art that questions the body, a pictorial art that  robes plastic beauty. A mischievous and unclassifiable object, Ingrid's theatre remains theatre by its visual and emotional nature. But it goes beyond traditional stage forms and invents a language which, without betraying the seriousness of the subjects and the beauty of the forms, leaves space for laughter, the voice of emotion.

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